Burning Bush 1957-58
Yad Torah Pointer 1958-59
Ner Tamid Eternal Light 1959-60
Keter Torah Torah Crown 1960-61
Prayer Book 1961-62
Breastplate 1962-63
Burning Bush 1963-64
Gates of the Seminary 1964-65
Shovel 1965-66
Menorah 1966-67
Yovail – Jubilee 1967-68
Spice Box 1968-69
Etz Hayim Tree of Life 1969-70
Ahavat Torah Love of Torah 1970-71
Bekhol Meode’Ha With All Thy Might 1971-72
Na’aseh We Will Do 1972-73
Layv Navon An Understanding Heart 1973-74
Ve’Ha’Ayr Deepen our insight in Thy Torah 1974-75
Sheheheyanu 1975-76
Emunah Faith 1976-77
Samekh 1977-78
Ha’Yay Olam And has planted within us everlasting life 1978-79
Burning Bush And the Bush was not consumed 1979-80
Bo-Na-Yikh Your Builders 1980-81
Eternal Light 1981-82
Binah Understanding 1982-83
Year of the Book 1983-84
Shalvah Peace and Tranqulity 1984-85
Maya Shanim Celebration 1985-86
Rani V’Simhi Sing and Rejoice 1986-87
Keter Torah Crown of Torah 1987-88
Oorah Awake 1988-89
Hiddur Mitzvah To Enhance a Mitzvah 1989-90
Haverah Friend 1990-91
Le Dor Va Dor Generation to Generation 1991-92
Sh’ma 1992-93
N’div Layv A Willing Heart 1993-94
Yismah Layv A Joyous Heart 1994-95
B’khol L’vavkha With all your Heart 1995-96
Derekh Emunah I have chosen the way of faithfulness 1996-97
Nishba’ti Va Akayema I have promised and I will fulfill… 1997-98
V’shinantam L’vanekha Teach them to your children 1998-99
Shehehe’yanu 1999-2000
Migdal Oz A tower of strength 2000-01
Torah Orah Torah is Light 2001-02
Hazak Be Strong 2002-03
Limud Study 2003-04
Tikvah Hope 2004-05
Shalom Peace 2005-06
Hallel Song of Praise 2006-07
Kol Ishah A Woman’s Voice 2007-08
Lev Va Nefesh Heart and Soul 2008-09
Le’avdah Ul-shamrah To plant and preserve 2009-10
Kehillah Kedoshah Celebration community – woman to woman 2010-11
Hiddur Mitzvah 2011-12
Uri, Uri Awake – Greet the Dawn 2012-13
Mishpachah Family 2013-14
Mishpachah Family and the Tree of Life 2014-15
Netiyah Kerem She plants a vineyard 2015-16
P’ri Yadehah The fruit of her hands 2016-17
Mah Tovu How Good 2017-18
Atid Future 2018-19
Chesed Kindness 2019-20
B’Yachad Together 2020-22
Chazak v’Ematz Be Strong and Courageous 2022-23
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba'Zeh All of Israel is Responsible for One Another 2023-24
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