Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ

Every woman has the opportunity to participate in preserving, promoting and perpetuating Conservative/Masorti Judaism by giving to the Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ. Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ helps support programs and student scholarships at Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, NY), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, CA), Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam, Germany).

Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ began in 1942 as a scholarship fund. In 1963, it merged with the Mathilde Schechter Residence Hall campaign, which provided housing for undergraduate students. In time, the campaign identified needs and raised funds for specific projects, including:

  • Women’s League Educational Pavilion (Kripke Tower)
  • Women’s League Seminary Synagogue
  • Mathilde Schechter Residence Hall Renovations
  • Goldsmith Hall
  • Residence Hall at the American Jewish University
  • JTS Quadrangle
  • JTS Library Bookshelves
  • Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies Garden

There are continuing opportunities for sisterhoods/affiliates and individual donors to help support all five Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher education through Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ.  Thousands of dedicated volunteers contribute to the spiritual, aesthetic and material well-being of these educational communities by supporting Torah Fund projects.  More info about Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ can be found here:

To donate to Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ, click here


Am Yisrael Chai

All people of Israel live


Am Yisrael Chai is an expression of Jewish solidarity for the Jewish nation and the continuity of the Jewish people. We help ensure the future of worldwide Jewish communities through our support of the five Conservative/Masorti institutions of higher education.

Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ 2024-2025

Everything you need to enhance your fundraising and exceed your campaign goal.

Click here for Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ Flyer 5785 (PDF)

Click here for Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ Flyer 5785 (PNG)

Torah Fund Ecards

Our beautiful designs are ideal for any occasion!  Revenue goes to Torah Fund, and sisterhoods/affiliates receive credit for purchases.
U.S. purchasers click here:
Canadian purchasers click here: 


Sharing Successful Torah Fund of WLCJ Virtual Events

Chadashot Archives

Click HERE to view Chadashot: News from Torah Fund

Torah Fund Legacy Society + Materials

Make a planned gift to Torah Fund of WLCJ and help ensure the enduring education of our future Jewish leaders and the strength of our Conservative/Masorti Jewish communities.  Become a member of the Torah Fund Legacy Society and receive a charm you can attach to your pin to demonstrate your continued support of our important work.

For more information click HERE. 

To learn more, contact Torah Fund Legacy Society Co-Chairs, Marcia Toppall and Donna Burkat at

Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ Leadership


Region Torah Fund Vice Presidents 2024-2027


For more information, please visit

Lisa Paule, Director of Torah Fund
Torah Fund Campaign of WLCJ
The Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027