Sichot beyn Achayot means “conversations between sisters.” This program is designed to foster a deeper mutual understanding between the members of WLCJ in North America, the Masorti women from Israel and Masorti Olami, our communities around the world.
This program is designed to foster a deeper mutual understanding between the members of WLCJ in North America and the Masorti Olami women of Israel. It is designed to address the question, “How are we the same, and how are we different?“
Each of the three workshops will address this question by concentrating on one specific issue that is both relevant and timely to us all, and will include presentations from two speakers, one from each side of the Atlantic. These workshops will each be followed by a Q&A session in which all attendees will be encouraged to participate.
2023 Programs
Sichot beyn Achayot: Conversations between SISTERS
Session Two
Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 12:00 PM ET
Title: Addressing Homelessness and Food Insecurity: Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods
The Torah commands us to pay a poor person’s tithe [Deuteronomy 14:28] and to leave the corners of our fields unharvested so that the poor may glean with dignity [Leviticus 23:22]. How do we fulfill the mitzvah of caring for the most vulnerable members of our society today when the need is so great?
Guest Speakers:
Rabbi Sigal Asher, Fellow at the Beit Midrash for Israeli Rabbis at the Shalom Hartman Institute and Hamidrasha at Oranim
Abby J. Leibman, President and CEO, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Meredith Jacobs, CEO, Jewish Women International (JWI)
Gillian Ganzler, Chair, Rebecca’s Tent, Rebecca’s Tent: Spiegel Women’s Shelter at Shearith Israel in Atlanta, GA
Session Three
Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 12:00 PM ET
Title: Volunteerism: Mitzvot, Motivations and Methods
“That which is hateful to you do not do to others. All the rest is commentary. Now go and study.” [BT Shabbat 31A] This was Hillel’s famous answer to a potential convert who asked him to summarize the Torah while standing on one foot. Today we will study the hows and the whys of volunteerism and the many ways in which 21st century women are giving their time to benefit others.
Guest Speakers:
Rabbi Judith Edelman-Green, Spiritual Pastoral Caregiver
Rabbi Helaine Ettinger, Rabbi at Philipstown Reform Synagogue in Cold Spring, NY, and Coordinator of the Rabbis Without Borders (RWB) Service Corps
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker, Dean, The Schechter Rabbinical Seminary
Sichot beyn Achayot: Conversations between SISTERS
Workshop 3 – December 11, 2022
Chancellor Shuly Rubin Schwartz, JTS Chancellor and Irving Lehrman Research Professor of American Jewish History
Saralee Schrell-Fox, Educator and Chazzanit, Jerusalem
Rabba Dikla Druckman-Sherzer, Fuchsberg Jewish Center, Jerusalem
Click HERE to read the Speaker Bios.
Workshop 2 – November 20, 2022
Rabbi Judith Hauptman, Professor Emerita of Talmud and Rabbinic Culture, JTS
Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz, accredited Hospital Chaplain/Spiritual Caregiver, Jerusalem
Rabbi Tracee Rosen, Hospital Chaplain, Phoenix, Arizona
Rabbi Judith Edelman-Green, pastoral caregiver and educator, Kfar Saba
Click HERE to read the Speaker Bios.
Click HERE to view this session.
Topic: Conversations Between Conservative and Masorti Sisters
Click HERE to view recording of this session.
Davening at Robinson’s Arch video
Rabbi Debra Cantor’s Presentation
Topic: Davening as Conservative / Masorti Women
Women’s League: Rabbi Debra Cantor, Congregation B’Nai Tikvoh, Bloomfield, CT
Masorti Olami: Rakefet Ginsberg, Executive Director Masorti Movement in Israel
Two speakers will examine the question of davening as Conservative/ Masorti women; they will address the experience of davening with Women of the Wall, and also davening in an egalitarian setting at Robinson’s Arch.
Program funded by: generous grant from KKL/MERCAZ
This program is designed to foster a deeper mutual understanding between the members of WLCJ in North America and the Masorti Olami women of Israel. It is designed to address the question, “How are we the same, and how are we different?
Each of the 3 workshops will address this question by concentrating on one specific issue that is both relevant and timely to us all, and will include presentations from 2 speakers, one from each side of the Atlantic. This workshop will each be followed by a Q&A session in which all attendees will be encouraged to participate. The third and last workshop, coming in December, will conclude with breakout rooms in which participants will have an opportunity to join the conversation. Click here for the Conversations Between Sisters_3 Workshops Flyer.
Participation in this program is a benefit of your membership.
Contact Rabbi Margie Cella
October 17, 2021
Click HERE to view recording of this session.
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 |
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