International President: Julia Loeb
Parliamentarian: Marilyn Wind
Recording Secretary: Teresa Samtur
WLCJ Nominations: Debbi Kaner Goldich
Past Presidents Council: Lois Silverman
Past Presidents Council: Agnes Emert
Special Projects: Randy Schwartz
Archives: Cory Schneider
Treasurer: Diane Mashioff
Finance: Mindy Steinholz
Budget: Lymor Wasserman
Development: Marsha Strongin
Kol Ishah Development: Gail Goldfarb
Stock Portfolio Investments: Rita Wertlieb
Per Capita: Janet Kirschner
Financial Secretary: Linda Steinhorn
Convention Chair: Marsha Strongin
Convention Program Vice Chair: Debbie Lempert
Convention Logistics Vice Chair: Wendy Glasser
Convention Budget Chair: Denise Mosk
Membership Chair: Doreen Bornfreund
Affiliations: Mimi Pollack
Retention: Sandy Berenbaum
Retention: Sherry Lynn Rubin
Individual Membership: Susan Farber
Individual Membership: Vivian Leber
Youth and Students: Susan Markowitz
Mexican Liaison: Heddy Belman
Canadian Liaison: Randy Schwartz
Kehilah/Education Chair: Fran Hildebrandt
Kehilah/Education Vice Chair: Jeanette M. Brownstein
Bat Mitzvah: Toby B. Holtzman
Bat Mitzvah: Anne Schimberg
Creative Judaic Arts: Jody Glass
Environment/Sustainability: Corinne Hammerschlag
Environment/Sustainability: Heddy Belman
Health and Wellness: Debbie Bettan
Hebrew: Rachel Ferber
Inclusion: Karen Winer
Makom B’Yachad: Edna Schrank
Makom B’Yachad: Ruth Shapiro
Mishpachah: Denise Brand
Personal Conversations: Grace Schessler
Personal Conversations: Jani Majewski
Tefillot: Ilana Ben-Ze’Ev
Tefillot: Amy Schwartz
WL Reads: Karen Block
Programs Co-Chair: Toby Maser
Programs Co-Chair: Jill Tomar
Social Action Chair: Judi Kenter
Women’s League Cares: Jerilynn Payne
World Affairs Chair: Karen Cuker
World Community Engagement: Illene Rubin
Women’s League Olami: Illene Rubin
Women of the Wall: Sheila Gersh
Israel: Anne Greenbaum
Mothers of Olim: Renee Seal
United Nations NGO: Lucy Becker
United Nations NGO: Sandra Koppell
United Nations NGO: Florence Wolpoff
Public Policy & Resolutions: Laurie Silverblatt
Torah Fund Chair: Lori Snow
Torah Fund Vice Chair – Communications: Shelley Szwalbenest
Torah Fund Vice Chair – Finance: Marilyn Berkowitz
Torah Fund E-Cards: Gilda Zucker
Associate Patron Liaison: Rochelle Hirt
Patron/Scholarship Patron Liaison: Linda Klempner
Legacy Society: Marcia Toppall
Legacy Society: Donna Burkat
Torah Fund Executive Director: Lisa Paule
Consulting Services Chair: Sandy Blumenthal
Consulting Services Vice Chair: Anise Parnes
Leadership Institute: Carol Simon
Leadership Institute: Margie Miller
Leadership Institute Administrator: Illene Rubin
PrezNet: Deb Bruce
Region Services Chair: Renee Ravich
Region Budget: Marjorie Maxwell
Region Nominations: Phyllis Goldberg
Communications Chair: Esta Lichtenstein
ZOOM: Sheila Kaufman
Constant Contact: Mona Hass
Shabbat Message: Meryl Balaban
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 |
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