40th anniversary
700 sisterhoods in 27 Branches.
200,000 members; 800 sisterhoods; 28 Branches
1972 Jubilee Year
Study Days instituted by many Branches.
Expanded publication department produces audio cassettes and video tapes and new program guides to prepare women for participation in synagogue ritual.
Operations Moses and Joshua, rescue of Ethiopian Jewry, by Israel begins.
PG-13 movie rating created
Convention, Kiamesha, NY “L'ma'an tizk'ru V'asitem" Remember and Do; Chair: Helene Schachter
Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism surpasses two million dollar goal.
Hole in the Ozone Layer discovered
First Internet domain name is registered
Amy Eilberg becomes the first woman ordained as a Conservative rabbi.
Welcome to the World: A Jewish Baby's Record Book, First edition published
Joint Leadership Conference within the Conservative Movement instituted.
Space shuttle Challenger Explodes
Chernobyl nuclear disaster
Iran-Contra Scandal
U.S. bombs Libya
U.S.S.R. launches Mir Space Station
Elie Wiesel wins the Nobel Peace Prize
Convention, Kiamesha, NY “Lkhol Z’man V’et” For Everything There is a Season and a Time; Chair: Evelyn Auerbach
Resolution urges the National Youth commission of United Synagogue to provide full egalitarian tefillot as an official option at all gatherings
January 11, 1986: broken water pipe floods basement and entire first floor of the 74th Street office
Joint leadership conference with United Synagogue and FJMC paves way for Leadership Council of the Conservative Movement
Former President Syd Rossman (1958-62) is the first woman to receive the JTS Seminary Centennial Medal (for chairing the successful Mathilde Schechter Residence Hall Campaign)
Beginning of the First Intifada against Israel.
DNA first used to convict criminals
President Evelyn Auerbach makes several trips to Israel to participate in the “Who is a Jew?” debate fueled by large influx of Soviet Jewry
Pan Am Flight 103 Is bombed Over Lockerbie, Scotland
Convention: Kiamesha, NY “Lev Ehad V’derekh Ehad” One Heart, One Purpose; Chair: Evelyn Seelig
Fundraising project: “Flowers of Israel” cards, one of its most successful development campaigns
Berlin Wall falls
Exxon Valdez spills millions of gallons of oil on coastline
Students massacred in China's Tiananmen Square
World Wide Web established campaigns
USSR allows emigration of three million Jews; many choose to move to Israel.
Iraq invades Kuwait
Germany reunited
Hubble Telescope launched Into Space
Cantor Marla Rosenfeld Barugel becomes first woman to be admitted into the Cantors Assembly.
Convention, Kiamesha, NY “Emet Tzedeh V’Shalom” Truth, Justice & Peace; Chair: Ruth Rosenfeld
Resolution applauds decision to grant degree of hazzan and encourage all congregations to consider women cantorial candidates “without prejudice.”
First book in the Celebration series published: Celebration: Hanukkah
Collapse of the Soviet Union
Israel airlifts 14,000 Jews from Ethiopia during
Operation Solomon in a 24-hour airlift.
Operation Desert Storm/Gulf War during which Israel is hit by 39 Scud missiles from Iraq.
South Africa repeals Apartheid Laws
President Audrey Citak joins mission to Israel during Gulf War
New Training Services department created
First national Shabbaton and open board meeting, Chicago, Il.
Bosnian Genocide begins
Riots in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict.
Convention, Kiamesha, NY “Evtah v’lo Efhad” I am Confident and Unafraid; Chair: Janet Tobin
Hundreds of members join 500,000 women in the March on Washington in support of women’s reproductive rights
World Trade Center bombed
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum dedicated.
Israel and PLO sign the Oslo Accords.
Kolot BiK’dushah established to acknowledge women who can lead services, read from Torah and recite a haftarah
Sponsors first Elderhostel (University of FL, Gainesville)
Joint response to Hurricane Andrew with FJMC provides meals and other necessities to homeless victims
Israel and Jordan sign official peace treaty.
Arafat, Rabin, and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres share the Nobel Peace Prize.
Rwandan Genocide
Convention: Kiamesha, NY, "Walk in the Path of Understanding"; Chair: Lila Nass
Resolution expresses concern for the reluctance (and even hostility) toward female rabbis and cantors; encourage gender neutral interviewing and hiring
Women's League realignment from 28 to 25 Branches
Oklahoma City Bombing
Yitzhak Rabin assassinated
O.J. Simpson found not guilty of double murder
Auction Website eBay is founded
Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism dedicates refurbished Women’s League Seminary Synagogue (WLSS)
Centennial Olympic Park Bombing during the Olympic Games
Dolly the Sheep, the first cloned mammal, is born
Convention: Kiamesha, NY. "And the World Is Entrusted to Us"; Chair: Marion Mohl
Last Convention at Concord
WLCJNet (online Sisterhood Without Walls) established by a handful of savvy members, offering a way to maintain friendships and exchange ideas
First Harry Potter book released
Princess Diana dies in car crash
U.S. President Clinton impeached
Viagra goes on sale
Convention: Philadelphia, PA "Ask and Learn"; Chair: Gloria Cohen
Dr. Ruth Westheimer closes the Convention
Lois Silverman introduced her and wrote in the NY State Branch newsletter:
She was wonderful and I relaxed as soon as she started using the language of her field—words like “sex”; who would have thought just a few years ago that such words would be heard at a WL Convention?
Fear of Y2K Bug
Killing spree at Columbine High School
The world celebrates the turn of the millennium
Israel unilaterally withdraws remaining forces from its security zone in southern Lebanon
The al-Aqsa Intifada begins
Camp David Summit.
Senator Joseph Lieberman the first Jewish-American to be nominated for national office (Vice President) by a major U.S. political party.
Unclear winner in U.S. Presidential Election
The dot-com bubble bursts
USS Cole Bombed
Mitzvah Torah campaign launched to raise funds to write a Torah and provide an opportunity for all members to participate in this mitzvah.
Etz Hayim He, Adult Bat Mitzvah Curriculum written by Dr. Lisa Grant
Convention, Washington, DC "What We Do This Day Can Change Our Lives"; Chair: Cory Schneider
Debbie Friedman concert, first time convention programming open to local community"