A history of Divrei Nashim: Around 2007, Women’s League introduced a new concept for the study of our sacred texts and traditions. We transitioned from Divrei Torah, study units that were read to a group to start a meeting, to Divrei Hokhmah, modules consisting of a unit of study and discussion that were directed by anyone, no training, skills or previous knowledge necessary. The modules were designed as a way to begin each sisterhood meeting or program with some study, following one theme through the course of a year.
We have changed the name of our Divrei Hokhmah to Divrei Nashim to recognize the women who wrote each module. These new Divrei Nashim continue to follow one theme and have been created to be read at the start of a meeting or, using the questions provided, as a study session/discussion.
The theme for 5780 is chesed, the Hebrew word for kindness. The word is also translated as “loving kindness,” conveying the deep love that animates Jewish acts of kindness, done without thought of reward. (Rabbi Lilly Kaufman)
Thank you to the Women’s League members who created the 2019-2020 Divrei Nashim.
2019 Divrei Nashim: Chesed
2018 Divrei Nashim: Atid/Future
2017 Divrei Hochmah
2016: Words That Hurt/Words That Heal
2015: Mishpachah: The Modern Jewish Family
2014: Derekh Eretz: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
2013: Hiddur Mitzvah: Enhancing Mitzvot
2012: Pirkei Imahot: The Wisdom of Our Mothers
2011: The Environment
2010: Kol Ishah
2009: Heart and Soul
2008: Proverbs
2007: The Ten Commandments
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