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  • World Judaism – Germany (1952)

    “And think that by merely uttering words you will be saved, saved to continue all these abominations?” – Jeremiah 7:10 WHEREAS, removal of the Nazi influence from Western Germany has not been successful, and WHEREAS, the policy of strengthening Germany, which was accepted by our government because of the need to insure the survival of the free nations of the world, has resulted in the appointment of many persons tainted with Nazi doctrines to pos…

  • Terrorism – Global Terrorism (2004)

    Global terrorism is spawned in countries where there is no democracy and where fundamentalists stifle women and intellectuals. Terrorists shun modernity, technology, equality for women, and preach strict adherence and obedience to their fundamentalist philosophy. Terrorists hate those they deem enemies and will do anything to cause chaos, pain, fear and death to accomplish their aims. Their schools teach violence and hatred, providing religious j…

  • Human Trafficking – Global Trafficking in Women (2000)

    Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is appalled at the growth of commerce in human beings, particularly women and young girls in many areas of the world. Poverty and lack of education have led to approximately two million women and girls being trafficked yearly, establishing a power dynamic in which they are reduced to chattel. Fathers, husbands and other family members in need of money will offer them for sale. Some go willingly, lured by pr…

  • Global Warming (2006)

    Global warming is a serious concern. Scientists tell us that temperatures are rising, producing severe side effects: drought spread of disease and new viruses, drying of rivers, lakes, increase of insects, the rise and heating of the oceans, the decline of clean water. 2005 was the hottest year on record; hurricanes are more intense and frequent; glaciers are melting at a faster rate; sea levels are rising and eroding coastlines. Global warming i…

  • Government Procedures (1960)

    In order that the will of the American people may be expressed upon all legislative proposals, so that majority rule prevails and decisions can be made after reasonable debate without being blocked by a minority in either House, National Women’s League urges that: SENATE RULE 22 be revised to limit debate. This rule permits filibustering, which has been the major barrier to the passage of effective Civil Rights and other social legislation in the…

  • Gun Violence (2000)

    Gun Control (Amended) (2000) The sanctity of human life is a primary value in Jewish tradition. In an increasingly impersonal and alienating society, the dehumanizing of the human being and the carelessness with which human life is taken, stand in direct violation of these affirmations of our tradition. The widespread availability of guns in our nation destroys tens of thousands of lives each year. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism has long…

  • Judaism – Heksher Tzedek (2008)

    Background  A basic tenet of Conservative Judaism has been and continues to be the embrace of mitzvot that speak to ethical as well as ritual observance in the life style of Conservative Jews. A central value of Conservative Judaism is the observance of the laws of kashrut. Coupled with the rigor of purity of product is the assurance of purity of action with respect to the delivery of kosher food products. The Conservative Movement, in past resol…

  • The Homeless (1984)

    No one can be sure how many homeless women and men there are in America. It has become a national problem of massive and increasing proportions – economically, socially and medically – affecting millions of people. Therefore, recognizing that there is no law that can require us to be our brothers’ or sisters’ keepers, and recognizing that the ethical and moral concern that is ingrained in us and is an integral part of our heritage as taught in th…

  • Homeland Security (2002)

    Homeland Security and Civil Liberties (2002) Following the September 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon, Americans were forced to confront the reality of terrorism and to formulate an appropriate response. As Jews, we have been victims of curtailed civil liberties and countless terrorist attacks. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is supportive of our government’s response to terrorism and its effort to mobilize …

  • Home Rule for the District of Columbia (1960)

    Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates. – Deuteronomy 16:18 Almost one million American citizens living in Washington DC are denied the elementary civil right of participation in the making of the local laws by which they are governed. The capital city of our nation is governed by appointed officials and by Congressional committees, whose members are elected by other constituencies. The platforms of both major parties have pled…