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  • Drunk Driving (1984)

    Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Mind-Altering Drugs (1984) The drunk driving problem creates an annual cost of over $5 billion in North America. The connection between drunk driving, especially among teenagers, and motor vehicle accidents has been amply substantiated. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, recognizing that all people are created in God’s image, and, therefore, should not bring harm to themselves or to others, urges Si…

  • Israel – Education in Israel (2006)

    Education in Israel (2006) In order to maintain a smart, efficient global economy with a competitive edge and raise the standard of living of all the state’s inhabitants, Israel must maintain its status as a highly educated society. With few natural resources except the talent and intellect of its citizens, Israel must continue to focus its energy and money on education. Currently, education in Israel from pre-school to university suffers from in…

  • Elder Care – Elderly (1978)

    Maintaining the Dignity of the Elderly (1978) Sisterhood women can be of invaluable help in making it possible for the elderly to maintain their own homes. We recommend that they not only volunteer for special services such as shopping, telephone reassurance, visiting, etc., but secure the help of young people through United Synagogue Youth, for such volunteer service. We also recommend that they urge their Jewish Federations to secure government…

  • World Judaism – Emerging Democracies (1990)

    Emerging Democracies in Eastern Europe (1990) The sudden and swift transformation of Communist Eastern European countries into Democratic societies has produced a sea of change in East-West relations, posing new opportunities as well as new dangers. This dramatic transformation is leading to a reduction in East-West tensions, improved relations between the United States and Eastern European countries, the revitalization of Jewish life in those co…

  • Employment (1978)

    Displaced Homemakers (1978) Women’s League for Conservative Judaism recommends that its Sisterhood women support legislation at federal and state levels for aid to displaced homemakers and for the funding of developmental child care centers and related services, to enable women to seek training and to compete for employment on a more nearly equal basis. We also recommend that our Sisterhood women support the establishment of Jewish day care enter…

  • Environment – Energy (2008)

    Background From our ancient texts we learn that Judaism speaks out against wasteful consumption of nature’s resources. The concept of bal tashchit (do not destroy; do not waste) has been a guiding rabbinic principle based on Deuteronomy 20:19-20, which admonishes the warrior not to destroy the trees of a city under siege. Over time, that admonition has been extended to include all careless consumption of nature’s bounty. Maimonides in the Mishnah…

  • Environment (1992)

    Environment (1992) The Jewish community’s mandate to cultivate, protect and nurture the environment derives from the halakhah, and is informed by traditional Jewish sources. The biblical and Talmudic principle of Bal Tashhit, “Do not destroy,” is a principle that has been expanded in the halakhic tradition to proscribe all forms of environmental waste and damage. Man must consider the consequences of his creative activities in the world, and avoi…

  • Equality (1982)

    Equality for Senior Citizens (1982) Projections for the year 2000 indicate that citizens over the age of 65 will comprise more than 20% of the population of the United States. According to current statistics, life expectancy is an additional 15 years at 65, and an additional 10 years at 74. Moreover, those additional years are generally more vigorous and of better quality than in earlier generations. Because of a low birth rate, the median age fo…

  • Ethics in Government (1980)

    The erosion of confidence in American politics and government as a result of the frequent disclosures of the unethical conduct of an increasing number of elected and appointed officials has led to the disillusionment of the electorate. Morality and accountability are basic to democratic ideals. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism supports the Congressional Ethics Committee in responsibly setting and maintaining high ethical standards in gover…

  • World Judaism – Ethiopian Jewry in Israel (2000)

    Ethiopian Jewry in Israel (2000) The Falash Mura identify themselves as descendants of Jews (Beta Israel) who had converted to Christianity due to social and economic conditions within Ethiopia. The Falash Mura have only been able to apply for aliyah through a relative already living in Israel. In assessing the plight of the Falash Mura, one must consider equally the humanitarian, moral, and pragmatic issues involved. Threats of violence have cau…