Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates. – Deuteronomy 16:18
Almost one million American citizens living in Washington DC are denied the elementary civil right of participation in the making of the local laws by which they are governed. The capital city of our nation is governed by appointed officials and by Congressional committees, whose members are elected by other constituencies.
The platforms of both major parties have pledged home rule for the District of Columbia; the President has recommended it; and recent judicial opinions affirm the power of Congress to grant it.
National Women’s League (editor note: Women’s League for Conservative Judaism) calls upon the 87th Congress to pass a law granting home rule to the District of Columbia.
The 86th Congress has recently passed a constitutional amendment to enable the citizens of the District of Columbia to vote for President and Vice President in national elections. The amendment now requires ratification by state legislatures.
National Women’s League (editor note: Women’s League for Conservative Judaism) recommends that our Sisterhoods press for ratification of this amendment in their respective state.
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