A conservative columnist at the Wall Street Journal wrote of the Enron affair as the “systemic failure” at the root of the matter, one that touched “Directors suspending their ethical guidelines…Accountants and lawyers studiously looking the other way…Wall Street analysts failing in their principal duty.” The obligations inherent in commercial transactions are clearly spelled out Continue Reading »
National Women’s League is outraged at the series of bombings and threats of bombings of homes, schools and houses of worship which have taken place. We commend the vigorous offer of aid to local and state police agencies by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in the apprehension of the perpetrators of the willful Continue Reading »
It is important for the Jewish community to reestablish a positive relationship with the Black community, and at the same time develop a working rapport with the Hispanic-American community. We share common causes, and it is to our greater advantage to work together to achieve these goals. The Synagogue and Black and Hispanic churches are Continue Reading »
Biodiversity – Social Action (1996) The Bible mandates us to tend God’s garden; that the world is a precious gift that has been entrusted to humanity. Therefore, it is our obligation, to ensure that nothing we do diminishes any of God’s creations. The principle of Biodiversity (biological diversity) concerns itself with the living organisms in Continue Reading »
The 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, on the occasion of the 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America, acknowledges the significant contribution that this historic document has made upon the world. It has served as a beacon for people Continue Reading »
1974 – The Observance of the Bicentennial As the event of the Bicentennial of our nation’s birth approaches, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism joins with other Americans in honoring the memory of America’s Founding Fathers. The solid foundation of government which they bequeathed to future generations in the instruments of the Declaration of Independence, the Continue Reading »
The issue of domestic violence is a matter of increasing concern to the Jewish community. Calls for help are coming from Jewish women, dispelling the myth the assumption that Jewish men do not beat their wives. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism urges its Sisterhoods to: Develop education programs and publicity to raise the community consciousness Continue Reading »
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