Resolution for Woman’s Health (2022) The female body has been understudied and ignored in medical research since the beginning of science. Attitudes and education are changing for the better within the medical and scientific establishment, but much more needs to be done. When women’s bodies and conditions are understudied, and consequently undiagnosed and misdiagnosed, women’s Continue Reading »
In September 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women will be convened in Beijing, China, where a Platform for Action will be adopted to analyze obstacles to women’s advancement and to recommend steps to overcome those obstacles. The Platform of Action, as well as preparatory meetings leading up to the Conference, is intended to mobilize Continue Reading »
Consistent with Judaism’s basic principles of equality for all people, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is committed to the pursuit of equality in Jewish life and has a long-standing history of support for full religious participation of Jewish women in ritual life. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism believes that: Religious pluralism within Judaism is essential Continue Reading »
The following is a definition of workplace crime developed by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency: “Workplace crime is an ‘intentional act by an employee that results in loss of value or in damage-to the, property of a public or private sector employer; an act that benefits the actor financially or otherwise.” We, as Continue Reading »
Absorption of Soviet Jews (1990) Women’s League has been involved in the movement to obtain freedom for Soviet Jews since its inception. Today, Soviet Jews are receiving permission to leave in unprecedented numbers. The pressing need is to find immediate ways and means of bringing them to Israel. In addition, many will be repatriated with Continue Reading »
Syria has been particularly severe in recent years in oppressing and harassing Jewish citizens, seeking to use her Jewish citizens as hostages in negotiations with her neighbor, Israel. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism urges its members to continually communicate with the United Nations Secretary General, the President of the United States, their own Congressmen and Continue Reading »
“And think that by merely uttering words you will be saved, saved to continue all these abominations?” – Jeremiah 7:10 WHEREAS, removal of the Nazi influence from Western Germany has not been successful, and WHEREAS, the policy of strengthening Germany, which was accepted by our government because of the need to insure the survival of Continue Reading »
Ethiopian Jewry in Israel (2000) The Falash Mura identify themselves as descendants of Jews (Beta Israel) who had converted to Christianity due to social and economic conditions within Ethiopia. The Falash Mura have only been able to apply for aliyah through a relative already living in Israel. In assessing the plight of the Falash Mura, Continue Reading »
Emerging Democracies in Eastern Europe (1990) The sudden and swift transformation of Communist Eastern European countries into Democratic societies has produced a sea of change in East-West relations, posing new opportunities as well as new dangers. This dramatic transformation is leading to a reduction in East-West tensions, improved relations between the United States and Eastern Continue Reading »
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