Women’s League has been involved in the movement to obtain freedom for Soviet Jews since its inception.
Today, Soviet Jews are receiving permission to leave in unprecedented numbers. The pressing need is to find immediate ways and means of bringing them to Israel. In addition, many will be repatriated with their families in North America.
Women’s League of Conservative Judaism, as a vital synagogue-based organization has a unique opportunity to play a significant role in the absorption of tens of thousands of Soviet Jews into our Conservative/Masorti community. Therefore, we urge our sisterhood affiliates to:
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism commends and supports the courageous Jews of the Soviet Union who continue to demand religious and cultural freedom in the face of great personal hazards. We deplore the denial of human rights by the Soviet Union – rights guaranteed by its Constitution. These rights are also guaranteed by its signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Helsinki accord.
Although during 1977 and so far this year there has been significant increases in the number of Jews allowed to emigrate form the Soviet Union, this is offset by:
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, therefore, strongly urges:
National Women’s League is deeply concerned at the plight of our fellow Jews within the Soviet Union. We deplore and condemn the discriminatory and repressive treatment accorded by the Soviet government to its Jewish citizens as is revealed by news emerging from behind the Iron Curtain.
There is increasing evidence that Jews are denied their distinctive cultural institutions and are cut off from contact with Jewish communities in other countries. Jewish religious institutions are harassed and subjected to official or officially sanctioned attacks. Jewish literature and journalism continues to be systematically suppressed. Jews are discriminated against in educational opportunities in the Soviet Union’s schools, colleges, universities and technical training institutions as well as employment in higher level posts.
The Soviet press reports recent prosecution of Jews under Soviet law regarding “economic crimes” and this further incites anti-Jewish feeling. These crimes are being imposed upon Jews in a greater ratio than upon others charged with similar offenses.
National Women’s League protests and condemns Soviet anti-Semitism, We call upon the United States government to use its influence in the United Nations to mold opinion against these practices in the Soviet Union.
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