Equal Rights – Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Jews (2012)

Posted on July 31, 2014

Background The 2006 teshuvah “Homosexuality, Human Dignity and Halakhah” (by Rabbis Elliot Dorff, Daniel Nevins and Avram Reisner) effectively normalizes the status of gay and lesbian Jews in the Jewish community. Extending the 1992 Committee on Jewish Law and Standards’ consensus statement, gay and lesbian Jews are to be welcomed into our synagogues and other Continue Reading »

Gun Violence (2014)

Posted on June 25, 2014

This resolution was prepared in consultation with the Rabbinical Assembly. BACKGROUND Incidents of gun violence have occurred in elementary schools, colleges, movie theatres, and malls just to name a few. The organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns analyzed 93 incidents between January 2009 and September 2013 in which at least 4 people were killed by guns. Continue Reading »

Gun Violence (2000)

Posted on October 2, 2013

Gun Control (Amended) (2000) The sanctity of human life is a primary value in Jewish tradition. In an increasingly impersonal and alienating society, the dehumanizing of the human being and the carelessness with which human life is taken, stand in direct violation of these affirmations of our tradition. The widespread availability of guns in our Continue Reading »

Government Procedures (1960)

Posted on October 2, 2013

In order that the will of the American people may be expressed upon all legislative proposals, so that majority rule prevails and decisions can be made after reasonable debate without being blocked by a minority in either House, National Women’s League urges that: SENATE RULE 22 be revised to limit debate. This rule permits filibustering, Continue Reading »

Global Warming (2006)

Posted on October 2, 2013

Global warming is a serious concern. Scientists tell us that temperatures are rising, producing severe side effects: drought spread of disease and new viruses, drying of rivers, lakes, increase of insects, the rise and heating of the oceans, the decline of clean water. 2005 was the hottest year on record; hurricanes are more intense and Continue Reading »

Human Trafficking – Global Trafficking in Women (2000)

Posted on October 2, 2013

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is appalled at the growth of commerce in human beings, particularly women and young girls in many areas of the world. Poverty and lack of education have led to approximately two million women and girls being trafficked yearly, establishing a power dynamic in which they are reduced to chattel. Fathers, Continue Reading »

Genocide (1976)

Posted on October 2, 2013

The Genocide Convention (1976) We urge our members to intensify their activities on behalf of ratification of a Convention already endorsed by 76 nations but not by the United States government. Our government was the prime mover of the original resolution in a convention based on principles of human dignity. Genocide (1962) Fifty-nine nations have Continue Reading »

General Disarmament and Nuclear Test Ban (1964)

Posted on October 2, 2013

General Disarmament and Nuclear Test Ban (1964) National Women’s League notes with regret the stalemate in disarmament and nuclear test ban negotiations at Geneva and the obstacles I reaching and adequate, graduated plan for general and complete disarmament with safeguards for control, inspection and identification. We urge that, despite these obstacles, our government continue its Continue Reading »

Equal Rights – Gay & Lesbian Jews (1992)

Posted on October 2, 2013

Judaism affirms that the divine image reflected by every human being must always be cherished and affirmed. Jews have always been sensitive to the impact of official and unofficial prejudice and discrimination, wherever directed. Gay and lesbian Jews have experienced not only the constant threats of physical violence and homophobic rejection, but also the pains Continue Reading »