Our American Constitution reflects the diversity and pluralism of the American people, and represents the enduring character of our democracy. The impending call for a Constitutional Convention is a perilous threat to our constitutional liberties. Inherent in a Constitutional Convention is its great potential for sharp, bitter conflict with dangerous consequences to the nature and Continue Reading »
(20 February, beginning in 2009) The United Nations General Assembly has decided to celebrate 20 February each year as the World Day of Social Justice, beginning in 2009. By its resolution 62/10 of 26 November 2007, the Assembly recognized that the attainment of social development and social justice are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance Continue Reading »
International Year of Chemistry (2010) Stressing that education in and about Chemistry is critical in addressing challenges such as global climate change, in providing sustainable sources of clean water, food, energy and in maintaining a wholesome environment for the well-being of all people, the General Assembly on 19 December 2008, decided to proclaim 2011 as Continue Reading »
United Nations International Decade for Action (2006) Water for Life (2005 – 2015) On 23 December 2004, the General Assembly proclaimed the period from 2005 – 2015 as the International Decade for Action, Water for Life, commencing on World Water Day 22 March 2005 (resolution 58/217). The Assembly invited the Secretary-General to take the appropriate Continue Reading »
International Criminal Court (1998) History records terrible crimes and atrocities committed in all regions of the world. We believe that states have the duty to bring to justice in their own courts persons responsible for genocide, other crimes against humanity and serious violations of humanitarian law. Unfortunately, this is not always done. Sometimes there is Continue Reading »
Human Rights – United Nations (1978) Women’s League for Conservative Judaism affirms the convictions that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affords a vision and hope for a better World, in which people can live in peace, guided by the concepts of justice, and freedom and concern for the worth and dignity of every person. Continue Reading »
WHEREAS, the United Nations in 1946 barred Franco Spain from membership, and WHEREAS, despite the fact that there have been no subsequent changes in the fascist policies of Franco Spain that warrant a reversal of the action, the United Nations has admitted Franco Spain to some of its agencies, and WHEREAS, propaganda is now being Continue Reading »
1989 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Child. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance. The situation of children in many parts of the Continue Reading »
Calendar Reform – United Nations, Observance of Sabbath (1954) The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, in July 1954, passed a resolution calling upon the Secretary General of the United Nations to canvass all governments as to their opinion on a plan for calendar reform. Such plan for calendar reform proposes that every Continue Reading »
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