Resolution for Woman’s Right to Choose (2020) Biblical and rabbinic sources provide the background for the Conservative Jewish response to a woman’s right to bodily autonomy and to the relative rights of a woman versus a fetus. (This resolution is based upon the 2012 Rabbinical Assembly resolution on this subject.) It is also amended from Continue Reading »
The extremist right wing groups constitute a threat to our liberty by creating suspicion and distrust of neighbor against neighbor. They discourage free speech and the right to dissent. They spread fear that the internal threat of Communism within America is more dangerous than the outer threat of Soviet power. They accuse our government, churches, Continue Reading »
The Religious Right (1980) The rise of political activity by the Religious Right (extremist religious groups) is cause for alarm. We are concerned with serious threats to the very fabric of our American society: The First Amendment; The Constitutional principles of the free exercise of religion; separation of Church and State; pluralism; and the proscription Continue Reading »
Religious Liberty (1962) “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment or religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” – Bill of Rights, Article 1. National Women’s League believes that the maintenance and furtherance of religion are the responsibilities of the synagogue, the church and the home, and not the public school system. We are Continue Reading »
Religious Pluralism (Amended) (1998) From its very beginning, the Conservative/Masorti Movement has been committed to the return of the Jewish people to its homeland and, since the establishment of the State of Israel, has never wavered and will never waiver from its support, spiritually, politically and financially. While the basic premise of the State of Continue Reading »
The Persian Gulf War and new East-West relations have provided the impetus to move towards an international agreement to limit the flow of arms to the Middle East. The U.S. is the primary convener of the working group on arms control that was organized at the multilateral negotiations following the Madrid peace conference. In addition Continue Reading »
According to the U.S. Department of State, immigration is a fundamental aspect of our nation’s policy. “The United States is a nation of immigrants. Since its founding, the country has welcomed millions of people who have come to a land of opportunity. Their skills and hard work have contributed immeasurably to the economic, political, and Continue Reading »
Resolution for Racial Justice 2021 Women’s League for Conservative Judaism has a long history of supporting civil rights and justice for all. Our Jewish history of slavery and pursuit of freedom has made us sensitive to the oppression and suffering of others. We believe that all people are created in the image of God and Continue Reading »
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