Resolution for Criminal Justice Reform 2024 Teshuvah: Return, Repentance, and Restorative Justice Teshuvah is the process of redemption by which a person who has committed a wrong returns to the path of righteousness. In response to the “War on Crime” and the “War on Drugs” legislation which began in the 1970s, the justice system in Continue Reading »
We are concerned with the severe shortage of competent principals and teachers, as well as the status of the Jewish educator in the community. Consistent with the League’s continuous commitment to Jewish education, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism urges that Sisterhoods be actively represented on Congregational School Boards and work to assure that: Adequate school Continue Reading »
Strengthening the Jewish Family (1986) The blessings of freedom, prosperity, unlimited opportunity and the benefits of advanced technology, which Jews of North America enjoy, bring with it the dangers of competition, hedonism, stress, nuclear annihilation, etc. The erosion of the traditional family structure has also contributed to current social difficulties including drug abuse, alcoholism, alienation, Continue Reading »
The Jewish community has become increasingly aware of the failure of its institutions to provide appropriate educational settings for children in day and religious schools with physical, psychological, cognitive and learning impairments. While we understand the real difficulties in adequately responding to these special needs because of budget and demographic constraints, we cannot afford to Continue Reading »
Separation of Church and State** (2012) Background “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” (Bill of Rights, Article 1) While we are deeply committed to the fostering of religion in the home and by the synagogue, we are equally committed to the American belief that religion Continue Reading »
Sunday Closing Laws (1962) The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of compulsory Sunday Observance laws. As law-abiding citizens, National Women’s League accepts this ruling as the law of the land. Nevertheless, we continue to oppose Sunday laws in the conviction that they violate the principle of religious liberty by imposing sanctions on those Continue Reading »
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” – Psalm 133:1 Through participation in the National Community Relations Advisory Council (NCRAC) process, National Women’s League, as part of the United Synagogue, joins with five other national Jewish organizations and thirty-six local Jewish Community Relations Councils to engage in joint Continue Reading »
Women’s League recognizes the needs of non-Jewish women who have expressed the desire to pursue Jewish aims and ideals, and are married to Jewish men, whether affiliated or unaffiliated with a synagogue. Wishing to encourage their participation in Jewish community life, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism calls upon its National President to appoint an Ad Continue Reading »
Although the burden of evidence is that Jewish-owned establishments were not singled out for assault, losses suffered by Jews as a result of arson and looting were heavy. As victims of social upheaval, the Jewish merchants and property owners who sustained losses look first to the Jewish community for guidance and help. Therefore, National Women’s Continue Reading »
The natural replacement increase of Jews in the diaspora has recently dropped from the zero line to a negative. If trends do not rapidly change, the increased number of Jews in Israel will no longer suffice to offset diaspora losses. In the year 2000, the world Jewry population is expected to be about 12 million, Continue Reading »
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