Background The 2006 teshuvah “Homosexuality, Human Dignity and Halakhah” (by Rabbis Elliot Dorff, Daniel Nevins and Avram Reisner) effectively normalizes the status of gay and lesbian Jews in the Jewish community. Extending the 1992 Committee on Jewish Law and Standards’ consensus statement, gay and lesbian Jews are to be welcomed into our synagogues and other Continue Reading »
This resolution was prepared in consultation with the Rabbinical Assembly. BACKGROUND The Talmud acknowledges that people must play a role in choosing their leaders: “A ruler is not to be appointed unless the community is first consulted” (Berachot 55a). 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), an act of Continue Reading »
BACKGROUND The worldwide Conservative/Masorti movement is represented in the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) by MERCAZ Olami. Since 1987, this participation has resulted in an annual allocation to the programs and institutions of Conservative/Masorti Judaism in Israel (more than $1 million today in direct funding) and a similar amount in Continue Reading »
This resolution was prepared in consultation with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (of which Women’s League is a member) and the Rabbinical Assembly. BACKGROUND The Torah states that we are each created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). We learn from this that there is holiness in all people, regardless of Continue Reading »
In September 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women will be convened in Beijing, China, where a Platform for Action will be adopted to analyze obstacles to women’s advancement and to recommend steps to overcome those obstacles. The Platform of Action, as well as preparatory meetings leading up to the Conference, is intended to mobilize Continue Reading »
Concerned with the high divorce rate and the breakdown of family bonds, Women’s League recognizes that grandparents can also be considered as victims in cases of divorce or death within a family. While a majority of states do have laws allowing grandparents to seek visiting rights, statutes vary considerably in terms of the petition process Continue Reading »
Despite the granting of voting rights to virtually all American citizens 18 years and over, fewer and fewer of those eligible are voting. This paradox permeates all segments of the population. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism recommends, therefore, that: Simplified voter registration procedures be instituted in all States. Absentee Balloting be simplified to encourage greater Continue Reading »
Religion in the Public Schools (1958) One of the many crucial areas involving church-state relations is religion and public education. National Women’s League notes that efforts in support of religious intrusion in public schools have intensified. There is pressure on school personnel to incorporate religious doctrines and practices into public school programs. Religious holidays have Continue Reading »
Resolution for Racial Justice 2021 Women’s League for Conservative Judaism has a long history of supporting civil rights and justice for all. Our Jewish history of slavery and pursuit of freedom has made us sensitive to the oppression and suffering of others. We believe that all people are created in the image of God and Continue Reading »
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is aware that education is central to preparing our citizens for effective participation in the economic, social and political life of the nation. The national drop-out rate has escalated; illiteracy is a serious problem even among high school graduates. There is a critical gap between public education and America’s capacity Continue Reading »
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