Schechter Institutes: News


February 10, 2025: IF YOU MISSED IT: Recording of Zooming into Tu B’Shvat

February 9, 2025: Reflections on Prof. Eliezer Schweid’s 3rd Yahrzeit: Religion vs Secularism

February 9, 2025: TODAY: Zooming into Tu B’Shvat

February 7, 2025: Spring Semester Community Learning Starts Soon!

February 6, 2025: TALI’s new “Friends Across the Sea” online curriculum in the News

February 4, 2025: How Does Psychodrama Relate to Parashat B’shalah?

February 2, 2025: Save the Date: Zooming into Tu B’Shvat

January 31, 2025: Light & Dark – A Chassidic View on the Plague of Darkness

January 30, 2025: Schechter‘s Chaplaincy Program Highlighted & a New Edition of Prof. Louis Ginzberg’s Classic Commentary on the Talmud Yerushalmi

January 27, 2025: Save the Date: Zooming into Tu B’Shvat

January 26, 2025: Spring Semester Community Learning Starts Soon!

January 23, 2025: Regional Women’s Study Day

January 21, 2025: Moses and Aaron Confront Pharaoh: An Artist’s Midrash

January 17, 2025: Who were the Midwives? A Mystery Solved

January 16, 2025: Schechter in the News: Spotlight on Neve Schechter in Tel Aviv

January 13, 2025: Spring Semester Community Learning & Regional Women’s Study Day

January 7, 2025: Failed familial Bonds in the Book of Genesis: Hatred, Jealousy and Pain