Let’s Talk! WLCJ Individual Members

Wednesday, January 29, 2025    
7:30 pm EST - 8:30 pm EST

[This Program is scheduled on Eastern Time Zone]

Wednesday, January 29th – 7:30 PM ET 

“LET’S TALK” – a series to create connections for WL Individual Members

We’ll begin with a highlight talk by Debbie Lempert about the Jews of Greece, and specifically about her late father’s origins. Participants will then have a chance to share how their own family histories compare to her story.

Debbie Lempert is WLCJ Convention 2026 Program Chair, a Leadership Institute Trainer, and part of the Consultant Team.

She will tell us about the historic roots of Jews in Greece, and discuss her father’s and his family’s persecution and escape from the Nazi occupation. She has visited her father’s hometown twice, so she will also describe a bit about life in Greece today for her relatives and other Jews.

Contact Susan Farber, sfarber@wlcj.org, and Vivian Leber, vleber@wlcj.org, with any questions.

Thank you for being a WLCJ Individual Member. If you haven’t yet renewed for the 2024-2025 year, you’ll be prompted to do so as you register for this event.
Registration is only open to WL Individual Members, in North America, you must log in (https://www.wlcjmembers.org/member_login.php) to register for this session. If you need assistance, please contact the office (405) 870-1260.
Participation in this program is a benefit of your membership. 
Doreen Bornfreund                        Susan Farber                  Vivian Leber
dbornfreund@wlcj.org                  sfarber@wlcj.org           vleber@wlcj.org
WLCJ Membership Chair             WLCJ Individual Membership Co-Chairs