The dangers of nuclear annihilation have become a genuine and frightening concern in the world today. We, as Jews, having experienced the horrors of mass destruction, must be witnesses to survival. We must feel a special sense of responsibility to speak out against nuclear armaments proliferation in the United States, the Soviet Union and all nations aspiring to nuclear arms capability.
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism calls upon its Sisterhoods to:
“We are convinced it is our duty to establish a new world in which people are able to live together with nuclear weapons totally abolished and all war renounced.” – (A statement from the citizens of Hiroshima, August 1960)
National Women’s League notes with concern the continuing hazard to the health and survival of mankind arising from the fall-out of radioactive substance resulting from nuclear explosions.
We support our government’s efforts in continuing the discussion on the suspension of nuclear weapons tests. We call upon the United States to act with other great powers in seeking every means of resolving differences and to bring about a permanent cessation of the testing of nuclear weapons.
We urge the United States to continue its determined efforts to achieve agreement on the limitation and control of conventional and nuclear armament.
“I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake, Neither will I smite the ground and kill every living creature.” – Genesis 8:21
Many scientists throughout the world have expressed their fears about the great danger involved to persons now living and to those generations yet unborn as a result of the continued testing of nuclear weapons. There is fear and terror in the hearts and minds of people who would ordinarily release their energies and talents toward bringing about a better world for everyone.
National Women’s League therefore calls upon our government to exert its influence and its leadership in the United Nations to halt nuclear weapons testing everywhere, especially in view of the recent discussions held between the scientists of all nations, who agree that it is possible to work out an adequate system for the detection of such explosions.
National Women’s League further calls upon our government to do everything possible to achieve world disarmament through international agreement.
National Women’s League further urges our government to continue its support for the international scientific exploration of the peaceful application of atomic energy.
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