Women’s League (editor’s note: for Conservative Judaism) believes that a strong Mercaz speaking in the names of hundreds of thousands of Conservative Zionists, will enable us to function as an equal partner with Kelal Yisra’el – to contribute to and to benefit from an improved quality of Jewish life in this country and in Israel.
Mercaz will secure equal status for the conservative movement in Israel – in the state which we helped to establish.
Mercaz will secure for the conservative movement its rightful place in the leadership of the World Zionist Organization in Israel, and in the American Zionist Federation here.
Mercaz will enable us to make a significant contribution to the welfare of the Jewish people everywhere, in keeping with our concern for Kelal Yisra’el and our philosophy of religious pluralism.
Therefore, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism calls upon its members to be identified as Conservative Jewish Zionists by joining Mercaz, The Movement to Reaffirm Conservative Zionism.
We urge Sisterhood women to support their congregations as they, in turn, support the newly created Zionist organization called Mercaz (Movement for the Reaffirmation of Conservative Zionism). The purpose of which is:
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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