(The Masorti Foundation has asked the various arms of the Conservative/Masorti movement to approve this resolution. The RA, JEA, NAASE and the Schechter Day School Network have already done so.)
It has become increasingly the case that when Masorti/Conservative groups have wished to daven in Israeli hotels, they have been denied the use of hotel-owned Sifrei Torah if the service was not in accordance with Orthodox practice. In some cases the hotels have offered to locate a Sefer Torah from outside the hotel at an additional fee to the guests. In other cases it became necessary for guests to make arrangements on their own.
WHEREAS Israel is the homeland for all Jewish People;
WHEREAS Women’s League is on record as encouraging both aliyah and tourism to Israel;
WHEREAS Women’s League is committed to religious pluralism in Israel and the fair treatment of all streams of Judaism;
WHEREAS many hotels in Israel have refused to provide access to Sifrei Torah to Masorti/Conservative groups and guests wishing to daven on Torah reading days, or have permitted access only when such groups and guests pay additional fees and Sifrei Torah are brought in from outside the hotel;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Women’s League for Conservative Judaism calls upon the Israeli Hotel Association and all Israeli hotels to treat Jews of all denominations equally and to afford Jews and all groups of non-Orthodox streams any of the rights and privileges afforded Orthodox guests including the use of a synagogue and a Sefer Torah.
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