Arab propaganda experienced a tremendous infusion of funds and technical know-how with the launching of the Yom Kippur attack, becoming more extensive, more sophisticated and more intensified in the United States, Canada and in other countries of the world. A new feature was the involvement of organized Arab groups, especially the younger generation, identifying with the aspirations of the Palestinians, in their propaganda. There is a new militancy in pro-Arab utterances and actions. The political and religious anti-Semitism as a weapon in the Arab-Israel conflict, has been greatly intensified by well-financed propaganda campaigns based on age-old vicious, anti-Semitic fabrications.
Women’s League recommends that Branches and Sisterhoods:
“Thou Shalt Not Hate Thy Brother In Thy Heart.” – Leviticus 19:17
The Arab States, in their efforts to destroy Israel, have stepped up the pernicious propaganda program against American Jews. In violation of their diplomatic status, Arab consular and embassy officials collaborate with American anti-Semitic groups, expressing their anti-Jewish lies and distortions. American college campuses and even high schools continue to be the target of anti-Jewish propaganda activities by Arab students and pro-Arab speakers.
Because National Women’s League deplores such hate propaganda which harms the best interests of the United States and sets American against American, we:
“Thou Shalt Not Hate Thy Brother In Thy Heart.” – Leviticus 19:17
The Arab States in their effort to destroy Israel, are engage in a pernicious propaganda program against American Jews. They have enlisted the cooperation of organizations such as the American Friends of the Middle East and the American Council for Judaism to spread falsehoods and distortions which emanate from the Arab propaganda machine.
In violation of their diplomatic status, Arab consular and embassy officials collaborate with American anti-Semitic groups. Students from Arab countries attending our American colleges abuse our hospitality by flooding our schools with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda.
National Women’s League deplores such hate propaganda which harms the best interests of the United States and sets American against American. We call upon our government to curb the activities of the Arab diplomatic officials which extend beyond their legitimate scope of diplomatic functions.
National Women’s League urges its Sisterhood to consult with their Jewish Community Councils to work out procedures for utilizing Sisterhood resources to counteract Arab propaganda.
The government of the Unites States, in permitting discrimination by the Arab States against American citizens on the basis of their religious beliefs, is tacitly condoning practices in utter violation of the fundamental principles of religious liberty and equality of citizenship.
Through these acts of Arab discrimination, Americans of the Jewish faith are excluded from serving in American military, diplomatic and civilian capacities in Arab countries. American passports carried by Jews are not honored by Arab countries; American business firms which employ Jews or which have Jewish stockholders or directors, are boycotted by Arab countries; Arab consular and diplomatic officials in this country lend their offices to the implementation of such boycotts and to spreading anti-Semitism.
At the Dhahran Air Base in Saudi Arabia, Christian military chaplains are prohibited from publicizing their religious services and from wearing their religious insignia.
We note with gratification that the United States Senate has unanimously passed a resolution on preserving the integrity of United States citizenship; that both major political parties have adopted platform plans on this matter, and that the President’s Committee on Government Employment Policy have taken this matter under consideration.
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