“Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart.” – Leviticus 19:17
The protection of the rights of the U.S. citizen to travel, to pursue lawful trade, and to engage in other activities abroad without distinction because of race or religion, is one of the essential attributes of American citizenship.
The 1956 and 1960 Republican and Democratic Conventions promised to bring a halt to our Government’s acquiescence to Arab discrimination against American citizens because of their religion.
We welcome the unanimous passage by Congress of a provision in the Foreign Aid Law which requires the President to report annually to Congress on the progress made in the elimination of such discrimination against American citizens. We look forward to such reports of progress from the President.
National Women’s League further calls upon the Government of the United States to preserve the integrity of American citizenship by:
The government of the United States, by acquiescing in open and flagrant acts of discrimination by the Arab states against American citizens on the basis of their religious beliefs, appears to be condoning practices that, are in utter violation of the fundamental principles of religious liberty and equality of citizenship. These acts of discrimination include the following:
We note with gratification that the United States Senate has unanimously passed a resolution on preserving the integrity of United States citizenship, that both major political parties have adopted platform planks on this matter, and that the President’s Committee on Government Employment Policy has taken this matter under consideration.
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