Basic Keruv Information

The term keruv means to draw near and is used to describe outreach to the intermarried.

The term intermarriage refers to the marriage between a Jew and a non-Jew.

A person who marries a “Jew by Choice” is not intermarried.

Sisterhoods may include non-Jewish women as members if their by-laws permit it.

A non-Jewish woman’s membership can only be granted if the rabbi of the synagogue approves of the policy.

A non-Jewish woman may not become sisterhood president. is the Women’s League Website for reference information.

Search “keruv” and “membership” on the WLCJ website for helpful information on keruv.

The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs and United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism have additional resources.

Ways to find out if a woman in your synagogue community is not Jewish:

  • Ask the membership chair, rabbi, executive director or any person who has access to the membership application.
  • The person may tell you during face-to-face meeting & casual discussion.
  • Other sisterhood members may provide information.
  • Someone in the community who is not a member of Sisterhood may provide information.


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