WL Reads: R.L. Maizes, We Love Anderson Cooper – Thursday, November 11th @ 7:00 PM ET

Thursday, November 11, 2021    
7:00 pm EST - 8:30 pm EST

WL Reads co-chairs Merle Carrus and Susan Farber 

will be interviewing R. L. Maizes, CO Finalist Colorado Book Award. Her recent short stories book, We Love Anderson Cooper, will be the focus of our virtual conversation. Most of the sto­ries deal with the direct after­math of trau­ma or hurt, and it is in this imme­di­a­cy that we get to know the char­ac­ters. Or at the very least, we get to know them at their low­est. Join the author and WL Reads co-chairs this November 11th.


Zoom link will be sent upon registering.


Participation in this program is a benefit of your membership. 
Contact Susan Farber: farberschevrah@gmail.com
or Merle Carrus: merlesoffice@gmail.com