[This Program is scheduled on Eastern Time Zone]
Monday, January 27th 7:30 PM ET
You, Me & We too: Overcoming Bias and Harassment (and What does it mean for me)?
In this workshop, we will study Torah as a lens for identifying the stereotypes or beliefs that can be harmful and as the source of the tools to overcome those unintended moments to become our best selves. Rabbi Peretz, one of the deans at the Ziegler School, will help us build the skills to overcome bias and harassment. She has assisted women, rabbinic students, rabbis, lay people and organizational leaders in naming their own biases, dealing with challenges, and helping others in transcending these moments. The work that Rabbi Peretz has developed has been made possible by the Torah Fund Spaces Campaign..
Rabbi Cheryl Peretz serves as Vice Dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (where she also received her ordination). Her work includes teaching, counseling, advising and programming and has been a strong advocate for healthy and constructive relationships between clergy and organizations. In addition to her work at AJU, Rabbi Peretz has served as a pulpit rabbi in Los Angeles area synagogues such as Sinai Temple, Adat Shalom in West Los Angeles, and Burbank Temple Emanuel El. She has been a High Holiday guest rabbi in Chicago, Orlando, Des Moines, Land Redlands, California. Rabbi Peretz is a graduate of the double degree program between Barnard College and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America where she earned degrees in Mathematics and Jewish Philosophy. While working on her MBA in Marketing, Rabbi Peretz also worked for United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism before embarking on a full-time career in marketing consulting for Fortune 500 companies. Rabbi Peretz has taught in a variety of synagogues, Havurah groups, schools and other frameworks. She also serves as scholar-in-residence for synagogues and organizations throughout North America. She has published articles in several books and publications.
Registration is open to WL members (in the USA & Canada), you must log in (https://www.wlcjmembers.org/member_login.php) to register for each class session. If you need assistance, please contact the office (405) 870-1260.
Participation in this program is a benefit of your membership.
Lori Snow
WLCJ International Vice President and International Torah Fund Chair