WL Reads – Sunday, August 1st @ 1:00 PM ET

Sunday, August 1, 2021    
1:00 pm EDT - 3:00 pm EDT

WL Reads – Sunday, August 1st at 1:00 PM ET

WLCJ is pleased to invite all of you to another author interview on Sunday, August 1, 2021, at 1PM, Eastern Time zone. We will be interviewing Rabbi Dr. Haviva Ner-David, resident of the Galilee. Her recent novel, Hope Valley, will be the focus of our virtual conversation. Her work, beyond writing, focuses on spirituality, as well as interfaith, intercultural and relationship building.

More about our author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haviva_Ner-David and https://rabbihaviva.com/

The recently published novel of 249 pages, Hope Valley, describes the relationship between two women, before the outbreak of the second intifada. Each woman lives in segregated communities in the Galilee, one Jewish-Israeli, the other Palestinian-Israeli. Both women are artists, older and, despite the separate lives of these two communities on each side of Hope Valley, through their interactions, they learn much from each other.

Availability of this novel:
Regretfully, most libraries have not acquired this novel for their collections.
Our research led us to discover that Amazon (to order and also on Kindle), AbeBooks (9 copies) and
Better World Books (based on order) sells copies. Susan purchased a copy through Barnes and Noble.
The cost of the paperback is approx. $17. There is an e-book listed on the publisher’s web page for this
novel, Bedazzled Ink Press: http://binkbooks.bedazzledink.com/books/books-h/hope-valley/

Merle and Susan welcome you to this Sunday event, so we can include our Israeli sisters. We hope you will plan to join us.

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