Spring 2025 Hebrew Classes Registration Opens

Thursday, March 6, 2025 - Sunday, March 9, 2025    
All Day

New WLCJ Classes starting this Spring to Learn Hebrew, Read from the Prayerbook or Learn Trope to read Torah

Are you interested in:

  • Learning or reviewing the Hebrew alphabet and communal prayers?
  • Expanding your Jewish literacy skills, confidence, and sense of connection with Judaism?

LEVEL 1 Class: This course focuses on learning the Hebrew letters and vowels.

  • Students will learn how to recognize the letters and vowels of the aleph bet, read and understand basic words in the Siddur, and follow along in the service. Each student will be provided a virtual copy of Shalom Aleichem, by Noah Golinkin, for use in the class

*LEVEL 1 Class is not offered this Spring 2025 semester. 

LEVEL 2 Class: This course focuses on increasing understanding and fluency in your reading. 

  • You must know all of the Hebrew letters and vowels to take this class.
  • Students will continue to refine their reading skills by learning blessings for Friday evening, several kaddishes, and many Shabbat morning prayers, all while emphasizing understanding and reading fluency.

LEVEL 3 Class: This course focuses on increasing understanding and fluency in your reading.

  • You must be proficient at reading, sounding out few words, to take this class.
  • Students will improve their fluency through the following prayers: ashrei, the musaf Amidah, aleinu, the v’ahavtah and following paragraphs, and many other prayers for holidays.

New Level 3 Class!
LEVEL 3 Class – Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way: In this course, students who are proficient Hebrew readers will be taught grammar and vocabulary via prayers. This class requires students to purchase this book: https://wlcj2.org/u/?R1c6474i. WL/our teachers will not be sending out materials from the book digitally like we do with the Level 1 & 2 materials. 

LEVEL 4 Class – Chumash: This course focuses on reading the weekly Torah and Haftarah portion from the chumash to build biblical and prayer vocabulary.

  • Students must be proficient at reading.
  • This class is intended for students who have successfully completed WLCJ’s Level 3 Hebrew class.

LEVEL 5 ClassTrope: This course teaches the musical cantillation notes for chanting Torah and Haftorah. This class is NOT intended for members of the current Bat Mitzvah class.

  • Students must be proficient at reading.
  • This class is intended for students who are more advanced than our Level 3 Hebrew class.

*LEVEL 5 Class is not offered this Spring 2025 semester. 

Registration confirms your desire to take the class; however it does not guarantee your placement in the class. A minimum of 6 students is required for each class. Registration is based on first come-first served and class size is very limited. 

Classes begin the week of March 6, 2025.

Questions? Contact Rachel Ferber at rferber@wlcj.org.


Registration is only open to WL members, you must log in (https://www.wlcjmembers.org/member_login.php) to register. If you need assistance, please contact the office (405) 870-1260.