Seaboard Sisterhood Program: Music & Spirituality Shabbaton

Friday, March 25, 2022 - Sunday, March 27, 2022    
All Day

[This Program is scheduled on Eastern Time Zone]

Har Shalom Congregation in Potomac, Maryland hosts Music Shabbaton

Please note the Sisterhood-sponsored event for women on Sunday, March 27th at 10:30 AM ET. This is an in-person event, no fee to attend, and all women in the community are invited. Boi Kallah, Shabbat HaMalka (Come in Bride, Shabbat Q ueen): Singing in the Divine Shabbat is characterized by the call to sink into oneg – delight – through delicious food, prayer and study, and joyful song. Through an exploration of some of the most beloved Shabbat songs in our tradition, we’ll deepen our connection to the ritual of raising our voices together, connecting to melodies and texts, new and old.

For more information about the program, go to:–spirituality-shabbaton.html

Seaboard Region President, Marjorie Furhmann: