Rabbi Dana: Why we wear a Tallit/Ritual Aspects
Beth Weiss-Dunn: Make Your Own Tallit (a NO SEW project)
Please bring your own piece of fabric or a long scarf- 72 x 36 inches cotton or poly blend medium weight fabric (no silk or chiffon)
We will provide the other materials needed to
complete the project.
RSVPs to Sisterhood@firsthebrew.org
required by February 25th to ensure we have
all the supplies needed.
All are welcome to attend. Already have a tallit? You can make one in white for the High Holidays or make one as a gift for someone special. Just want to hear all about it? You are
still welcome to join us.
Breakfast at 9:15 Program at 10 AM
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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