Let’s Talk! WLCJ Individual Members

Wednesday, October 30, 2024    
7:30 pm EDT - 8:30 pm EDT

[This Program is scheduled on Eastern Time Zone]

Wednesday, October 30th – 7:30 PM ET 

“LET’S TALK” – a series to create connections for WL Individual Members

The Festival of Sukkot has recently concluded. The Thanksgiving holiday is a few weeks ahead. We’ll talk informally about how we each create meaning from them.

Those two festivals—one Jewish, one a federal holiday—share much in common: they celebrate the harvest, with appreciation for God’s bounty, and they bring family and friends together for a special experience.

Please join us for an interactive program that is exclusively offered to Women’s League’s Individual Members. Tell us about a personal highlight of your own Sukkot or Thanksgiving festival. What makes it meaningful to you? Does your family have a special custom? Show us an object that is part of your holiday table. 

We’ll also hear from Women’s League leaders with the latest news.

Let’s get to know one another better!

Contact Susan Farber, sfarber@wlcj.org, and Vivian Leber, vleber@wlcj.org, with any questions.

Thank you for being a WLCJ Individual Member. If you haven’t yet renewed for the 2024-2025 year, you’ll be prompted to do so as you register for this event.
Registration is only open to WL Individual Members, in North America, you must log in (https://www.wlcjmembers.org/member_login.php) to register for this session. If you need assistance, please contact the office (405) 870-1260.
Participation in this program is a benefit of your membership. 
Doreen Bornfreund                        Susan Farber                  Vivian Leber
dbornfreund@wlcj.org                  sfarber@wlcj.org           vleber@wlcj.org
WLCJ Membership Chair             WLCJ Individual Membership Co-Chairs