How to Live Forever…
If we were asked the question, “What can you do with that one memory or that one significant time period in your life that continues to take residence in your head and seems to inform your reactions to every other situation”, we might laugh and readily reply, “Time to see a therapist!” But for memoirists, oral historians, autobiographers, biographers and writers, in general, who see themselves as proponents of this particular genre of literature, the answer is much simpler—“Write about the memory or the time period, and describe the experience in great detail. And then, when you are done describing everything, figure out what you learned from what you wrote and share the lesson with those whom you hold dear: your significant other, your children, your grandchildren, nieces and nephews, friends, and others who are important in your life.”
As part of this new impetus to tell our own stories and affirm our personal truths through multi-media presentations, the Education Committee of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, in partnership with the Archives Committee has designed a new initiative, “How to Live Forever” that helps members of the organization to create a compelling visual and written legacy for those who come after them.
Session 1 in February, under the teaching and careful guidance of Archives Chair and Past International President Cory Schneider, introduced this kind of genre and identified numerous ways for creating interesting and visually attractive products we can share with future generations.
The journey continues with two different sessions: Session 2—“Writing My Legacy and Finding My Voice!” on April 20 at 7:30 pm and Session 3—“How Do I Make it Sound the Way I Want?” on April 27 at 7pm. Education Committee Co-Chair, Ellen Kaner Bresnick will present varied ways in which we can make sense of our lives through the act of writing down our stories. At the same time, we will learn how our life experiences can be unexpected and transformative as we experiment with different writing techniques that can help to enhance those legacy albums, scrapbooks, and other documents that we are leaving for those we love.
Join us on both of those evenings. Each evening requires a separate registration, and you will learn different techniques in each session. Save these two dates, and be part of the energy that this new and continuing initiative is generating. Plan to attend both evenings. You will not be disappointed!
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 |
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