by Rabbi Margie Cella
Parashat Vaera continues the story we know so well from its annual Pesach seder retelling. The battle of wills between God and Pharaoh begins: Moses tells Pharaoh to let the people of Israel go free; he refuses. We read of the first 7 of the 10 plagues brought upon Egypt: water turned to blood; frogs; lice; flies; cattle plague; boils; hail.
Pharaoh remains resolute in refusing to let them go; three times he agrees, only to change his mind afterward, hardening his heart each time.
When Aaron lifted his rod over the waters of the Nile to turn them to blood, we are told that the Egyptian sorcerers were able to duplicate the phenomenon; thus, Pharaoh was unimpressed by the sign. Next, Aaron raised his rod to bring frogs up from the Nile, and again the Egyptian sorcerers were able to do the same. However, Pharaoh had to plead with Moses to entreat God to rid Egypt of the frogs. Still, Pharaoh remained unaffected. Finally, when Aaron’s rod brought forth lice from the dust, the Egyptians were unable to duplicate the miracle, declaring, “This is the finger of God!” Thus, they acknowledged the power of God even though Pharaoh did not.
Looking back over our history, we, too, should recognize the hand of God in our survival. Though countless enemies have risen up against us, right until the present day, we, the Jewish people, and our beloved Eretz Israel, are here to testify to the greatness of our God.
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