~ ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS PROVIDED ~Sunday, September 15, 2024
3:00 PM ETMerkin Hall at
Kaufman Music Center
129 West 67th Street
New York, NY 10023
The Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus, led by Binyumen Schaechter, will perform an intriguing variety of Yiddish songs on the theme of Jewish immigration. Our concert features brand-new choral arrangements and familiar songs you’ll hear in a completely different way. Even if you don’t know a word of Yiddish, the song intros and English supertitles will keep you fully engaged. We’ll end with a choral adaptation of “Ode to Joy,” from Beethoven’s ninth symphony, with a Yiddish translation that promotes the “melting pot” idea. A century ago, the Immigration Act of 1924 resulted in turning away so many Jews trying to escape the Holocaust. At the same time, the British severely restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine, before, during, and after the Holocaust.
Belts, mayn shteytele Belts
Beys ikh leb nokh (“In My Own Lifetime” from The Rothschilds)
Brider (Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”) ~ A Brivele der mamen
Di Goldene land ~ Di Grine kuzine ~ Ikh for aheym kin Palestine
Lekhayem (“To Life” from Fiddler on the Roof) ~ Dem Pedlers brivele
Ranunkele (“Little Buttercup” from H.M.S. Pinafore)
Shlof, mayn kind, mayn treyst, mayn sheyner (“Sholem Aleichem’s viglid”)
Shmilik, Azrilik ~ Varshe ~ Vat ken yu makh, s’iz Amerike!
Vi ahin zol ikh geyn? ~ Vilne ~
Zey kumen kin Amerike (“They’re Coming to America” from The Jazz Singer)
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