by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
Although the story of Korach and his rebellion, and being swallowed up by the earth was in the Torah Reading several weeks ago, in this week’s Torah Reading, Parashat Pinchas, we read that “Korach’s sons, however, did not die.” (Numbers 26:11) This is a very optimistic statement. Although Korach died, his sons did not, and were actually alive. The sons of Korach had an active role during Temple times. The opening verses of Psalms 42, 44–49, 84, 85, 87, and 88, are identified as being written by the sons of Korach. Many would have thought that Korach, his family, and followers all died. However, the medieval Biblical commentator Rashi explains that at the last minute, as they were about to die, Korach’s sons had a change of heart and during the dispute they contemplated repentance. Korach’s sons realized the terrible mistakes that their father had made and decided to not be part of the rebellion, which saved their lives. This is a message for hope for the entirety of the Jewish people. Anyone can realize they have made a mistake; it is never too late to rethink our ways and repent. It takes courage and strength to repent like Korach’s sons did. Am Yisrael Chai! The People of Israel Live!
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