As the war in Gaza continues, we ask for your partnership and support for the activities and projects of the Masorti Movement and our kehillot (congregations), helping those affected by the hostilities. Your unwavering solidarity and unity help bolster our pride as Masorti/Conservative Jews during this time of need.
We ask you to support our Purim campaign through the following opportunities:
We wish you a Purim Sameach!
Please use this link to participate in these mitzvot of Purim and to send love and support to Israel. You can choose how to designate your gift in the drop-down menu in the link.
Download images to share these mitzvot
Please feel free to download the following files to share these mitzvah opportunities with your synagogue, school, organization, family, friends and more.
Donate Now to our Purim Campaign
Downloads to recite at home, in your synagogue and at other gatherings:
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 |
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