By Teresa Samtur, WLCJ Recording Secretary and Garden State Region Immediate Past President
This week’s Torah reading, Parashat Pekudei, begins with an inventory of the gold, silver and copper given by the Israelites to build and furnish the mishkan (tabernacle). Moses blesses the Israelites after he sees that the work needed to build and furnish the mishkan was completed as commanded. According to Midrash (Sifre to Bamidbar, 143) Moses blesses them saying, “May it be God’s will that the Shechinah rests upon the work of your hands.” The people respond, “May the favor of the Lord, our God, be upon us; let the work of our hands prosper, O prosper the work of our hands!” (Psalm 90:17). Parashat Pekudei ends with a cloud covering the mishkan, signifying that the Shechinah, God’s divine presence, is inside.
In discussing Parashat Pekudei, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks wrote: “Blessing them and celebrating their achievement, Moses showed them what they could be. That is potentially a life-changing experience. We can achieve heights of which we never thought ourselves capable. All it takes is for us to meet someone who believes in us, challenges us, and then, when we have responded to the challenge, blesses and celebrates our achievements.”
Reading Parashat Pekudei took me back to the time, almost thirty years ago, when I decided to become a Jew by choice. After walking into my synagogue for the first time, I was drawn by the feeling of kehilah (community). A short time later, after attending services and going to Sisterhood Affiliate meetings, I learned about tikkun olam and my role in making the world a better place. I never imagined I would become president of my Sisterhood Affiliate, let alone president of the Garden State Region or Women’s League recording secretary. But I had family, friends and mentors who believed in me and celebrated with me, each step along the way. For several weeks this winter, the Garden State Region nominations committee worked, like the other Regions in Women’s League, to present to our membership a slate of officers and activity chairs for the 2024 – 2026 term. At our Spring Conferences, we will celebrate the newly elected slate and their achievements. But our job is not done – we must give them encouragement, the tools for success and friendship. This will strengthen them, our Regions, Women’s League, and most of all ourselves.
Blessings – do you ever count them in the morning or before falling asleep? I had been thinking about keeping a gratitude journal after learning, at a Region program about insomnia, that an inventory of daily blessings reduces anxiety and improves sleep. However, last week I read an article about Gina Hamadey, author of the book “I Want to Thank You.” She gave herself the goal of writing 365 thank you notes in a year. She started writing the notes during her daily commute to work and in a few days realized she left the train feeling happier. An unexpected benefit also happened- the recipients of her notes often contacted her and told her the notes made them feel appreciated and had improved their mood as well.
I don’t know about you, but immediately after Shabbat I’m going to start writing lots of thank you notes. I want the special people in my life to know, tangibly, in writing, how grateful I am for the blessings they have given me.
Shabbat Shalom,
Teresa Samtur
WLCJ Recording Secretary and Garden State Region Immediate Past President
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 |
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