Women’s League for Conservative Judaism sponsors Mothers of Olim, a group supporting and providing friendships to those whose families made Aliyah, emigrated to Israel. Meeting online once a month, we are an emotional lifeline, sharing and discussing pertinent topics. We offer each other a valuable platform to vent and share, laugh and cry.
Our monthly Zooms include guest speakers, virtual tours, volunteer opportunities, banking, retirement communities, health care, purchasing property, challenges of living in Israel, and of course our children and grandchildren. Between our monthly Zooms we email one another, sharing and seeking advice. Members have met in person when attending conferences or visiting cities.
Mothers of Olim has made a major impact on the lives of women who aren’t able to be with their families. Currently this group binds us closely together during this very dangerous war.
If you have children and grandchildren residing in Israel, please join us. It is comforting to communicate with other women who walk in the same shoes. Feel free to contact Renee Seal for further information and to receive the Zoom link, BubbyRenee18@aol.com.
We look forward to “meeting” you.
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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