We at MERCAZ USA are horrified by the Hamas attack that has left out brothers and sisters in Israel in the midst of war. Now, more than ever, it is critical that we remain engaged and come together to show our love and support for the people of Israel.
We join Masorti and MERCAZ Olami in deeply condemning these acts of terrorism.
Over the next few days, solidarity events will take place across the US. We urge you to join with your local community in showing support for Israel.
October 8, 2023 | 23 Tishrei 5784
Masorti and MERCAZ Olami deeply condemn the heinous attacks and acts of violence by Hamas that have erupted in Israel over the past 36 hours, and unequivocally stand in solidarity with our Country and its need for self-defense and for restoring security to the Israeli population. This is a moment of profound crisis for our beloved State and People of Israel, for bereaved families and families of the wounded, and for loved ones of the hostages.
Our hearts ache and are with everyone who has suffered losses; and we pray together for those who have been captured and injured, for their complete recovery and return to safety.
We invite all of you, our communities, supporters and friends from around the world, to join us in solidarity with Israel and its residents, in condemning these acts of terror, and put aside any and all internal Jewish political disagreements during this urgent period of Achdut.
We all know why we support Israel and what the importance of our country is – “May the Lord grant His people strength; may the Lord bless his people with peace” has never been a more immediately relevant verse.
We thank you for all of your messages and acts of support, and continue to pray for security, for healing for the bereaved, the wounded, and the captured.
Please join us for a special emergency leadership briefing with IDF Major General (res.) Noam Tibon, to better understand the current situation in Israel and the IDF’s next steps based on his analysis, on Monday, October 9 at 8:30pm Israel time (with simultaneous translation into French and Spanish). See the flyer below for registration and more information.
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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