by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
Parashat Nasso discusses the second census of the Levites. We read about the gifts that were given for the final dedication of the Tabernacle, the Mishkan, the moveable temple used by the Children of Israel while they journeyed through the desert. An overall theme of this week’s Torah Reading is leadership and what gifts are given by the leaders. We can all be leaders. What leadership skills do you bring to your Sisterhood Affiliate? Have you shared with others in your Sisterhood Affiliate all that you can offer, for we all have something to give? Look around your Sisterhood Affiliate, how can you shape the leadership skills and gifts of others? Let us appreciate what we have and always be grateful. How do you show gratitude for the gifts of leadership in your community? Thank you to all the amazing sisters who comprise Women’s League for Conservative Judaism! B’Yachad, together, we are strong! Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous!
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