by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
This Shabbat we begin the third book of the Torah, Sefer Vayikra, the book of Leviticus, with Parashat Vayikra. Our Torah Reading begins with the words, Vayikra el Moshe, ‘God called to Moses.’ And so begins the book of Leviticus, with its instructions on sacrifices, and a guide for the priests, often called Torat Kohanim, instructions for the priests. Do you feel called upon by God to do something in your lives, like Moses was called by God? What is your calling in life? What sacrifices have you made in your life? Were they for God, or someone or something else? In hindsight, do they still seem like sacrifices, or stepping stones to something else? In the book of Leviticus, we will see how sacrifices were used for different ways to communicate with God. How do you communicate with God? Sacrifices in the Torah were also ways to express gratitude to God; praise God; and petition God. How do you express gratitude to God? How do you praise God? Do you petition God for things missing or lacking in your life? These are many overarching questions to think about as we begin the new book of Vayikra, Leviticus. As you ponder these questions, may you be strong and courageous in all that you do! Chazak v’Ematz
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