By Sue Bengele, WLCJ Financial Secretary
When I became a Bat Mitzvah many years ago… you know, when girls had their Bat Mitzvah on a Friday night, were able to sing the Haftarah, sing the Kiddush and perhaps be able to lead the congregation in Yigdal… My Rabbi said the following three words to me when he spoke directly to me… ALWAYS BE YOURSELF!
I learned over the years what he meant AND what kind of person I should strive to be.
Always be honest and kind.
Know your own strengths and weaknesses.
Never micromanage; just give suggestions.
Realize that “my way” is not the only way.
Realize that there are many kinds of people in the world; figure out a way to work with them.
Smile! As it always creates a good atmosphere.
Always listen. My Dad, of blessed memory, was the ultimate listener. My brothers and I used to say that listening to him was like listening to E.F. Hutton… some of you may remember that name. When my Dad spoke, which was less often, than more often, everyone always listened.
Know your personnel; in other words, learn about the people you are conversing with. Are they talkers or listeners or both? Do they like to lead the conversation or maybe not? Do they like to have the final say or maybe not?
Figure out the most important things in your life… for me, family is always first followed by good health, kindness and honesty.
Know what are your needs and wants.
I know that we have been told that there are leaders and there are followers. I believe that everyone is a leader in their own way.
I’ve been blessed to meet and get to know a plethora of Women’s League members. Some of them have similar ideas but many have different ones. That’s why I feel that working in committees, teams or partnering with someone is a great idea.
I know that following these points will keep me grounded and lead me to always be myself. I hope that each and every one of you will Always be Yourself, too.
Shabbat Shalom,
Sue Bengele
WLCJ Financial Secretary
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 |
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