by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
This week’s Torah Reading, Parashat Beshalach, is the famous story of the parting of the Sea of Reeds. A midrash, rabbinic legend teaches that when the children of Israel were being pursued by Pharaoh and the Egyptian Army, and they reached the shore of the Sea of Reeds, Nachshon ben Aminadav made the courageous decision to jump into the waters, nearly losing his life. Only at the very last second did God interfere and split the sea after which the Jews were able to enter the waters and were thus saved from Pharaoh’s assault. No other Israelite, standing by, had the courage to take this unprecedented step. They waited until the waters were split before entering. He showed great courage, saving all of them and that it was they who were the cowards. Nachshon took a great risk by jumping into the waters, not knowing what would happen. So often in life, we also may need to take risks, not knowing what the outcome will be, but without doing something courageous, nothing may happen. May we all take Nachshon ben Aminadav as an example to be strong and courageous! Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous!
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