by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
Our Torah Reading, Parashat Vayigash, shows Joseph face to face with his brothers. No matter how many times one reads this story, we may still hold our breath – will the brothers realize it is Joseph, their brother who they threw into a pit, sold into slavery, and told their father was dead? When will Joseph reveal his true identity and how will the brothers react when they realize their brother is alive and well, and very powerful? We all know what will happen, but still, it is exciting to read how the situation will play out. In real life, when we are faced with people we have wronged, or have wronged us – we do not know ahead of time what will happen. It is in our own hands how to react and respond. Do we learn from past mistakes? Do we forgive and forget? If we have been in a similar situation before, will we respond and react differently? We are taught that is real Teshuvah, repentance, to react differently and to learn from our former mistakes. We see that Joseph and his brothers have learned from their mistakes, and do reconcile. A lesson for all of us to learn, and put to practice, when we face similar types of situations. Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous!
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