by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
We begin Parashat Vayera with Abraham greeting his three visitors, while he is recuperating from his brit milah, circumcision, at the age of 99. Sarah overhears the three visitors, who were messengers from God, telling Abraham that Sarah, who was advanced in years, and was no longer menstruating, would bear a child in a year. Sarah’s reaction to hearing this news was laughter. Have you seen that in your own life? You or someone you know hears some incredible, unbelievable news, and there are really no words to express what is felt and what is being heard – and the only reaction is a laugh? Even our matriarch Sarah had a nervous laugh. Anybody who laughs when they feel awkward and do not know what to say – you are in good company. Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous!
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