by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
As we begin the new book of Genesis, Sefer Bereshit, with Parashat Bereshit, our Torah reading provides us with many ideas that help us be strong and courageous – chazak v’ematz. The world was not created in a day – so why should we think we can do better than God. If we want to create something – it will take time. We too need a break, and need a day of rest, just as God gave us a day of rest. Since the first couple, Adam and Eve, there were some communication problems, so let us not be discouraged when we too have issues communicating with our partner. In addition, from the first pair of siblings, there was sibling rivalry, and we should remember that we truly are our sibling’s keeper. Some lessons are learned in reverse – we learn how to be strong and courageous, by observing how others missed the mark. Let us all use our strength and courage to give ourselves patience when creating, remember to rest each week, and communicate better with our partners and siblings. Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous!
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