Dear Letter Signer & Friend,
Thank you for joining with over 70 Jewish organizations in signing the letter urging every Member of Congress to vote for the climate investments in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
As you know, the Act was signed into law by President Biden this week with provisions that will invest hundreds of billions of dollars to address climate change – the largest investment in climate solutions ever made by the US.
As we celebrate this milestone that was achieved because of many years of work by you and other activists, we also acknowledge the Act’s shortcomings. We will continue to advocate for investments to meet the scale of the climate crisis and undo the giveaways to the fossil fuel industry that will especially harm communities already experiencing environmental injustice.
This action, organized by Jewish Earth Alliance and the Coalition on the Environment & Jewish Life, is part of ongoing campaigns to mobilize Jews to incite Congress to take meaningful action to America on a path to a safe, sustainable, and just world.
If your organization is not already a partner of Jewish Earth Alliance, we invite you to join us now by completing the partnership form. so that we can keep you informed of our resources and future opportunities to take action.
Please be in touch if we can help you in your advocacy efforts.
Wishing you a New Year of blessings and progress,
Mirele & Devorah
Mirele B. Goldsmith
Rabbi Devorah Lynn
Jewish Earth Alliance: Calling on Congress to Act on Climate