With the help of an incredible corps of volunteers, the Women’s League archives are packed and ready to be transferred to the Jewish Theological Seminary. We ended up with the contents in 77 archival cartons that will be safely stored and catalogued at the Seminary’s archival storage location. The materials include some very fascinating items: speeches from the first half of the 20th century that are as relevant today as they were then, incredible Women’s League activity materials, scripts (lots of them!), and the letters we received congratulating us on reaching our 100th anniversary.
I spent my last day packing up on June 2nd and just as I thought I was done, Rabbi Wolintz-Fields or Debbi Goldich would come to me with MORE material found in file drawers that seemed to magically appear! When I left the office that day, Rabbi and Debbi were still hard at work as evidenced by Rabbi’s office.
There was also extra help from future Women’s Leaguers who did lots of shlepping and, under Razel’s supervision, managed to get the calendar diaries ready for mailing.
Please join me in thanking our archives volunteers. We couldn’t have done it without you! Todah rabbah to Gaye Altman, Heddy Belman, Sandy Berenbaum, Teri Fields, Carol Green, Lisa Green, Barbara Kaplan, Judi Kenter, Linda Klempner, Faye Laveson, Esta Lichtenstein, Bonnie Panzok, Anise Parnes, Cheryl Patt, Grace Schessler, Mindy Steinholtz, Shelley Szwalbenest, and Marsha Wasserman.
Cory Schneider
Archives Chair
520 8th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Phone: 405-870-1260 | info@wlcj.org
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