The ongoing war in Ukraine concerns us all. We are in close contact with our Masorti/Conservative communities in Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Odessa, Kharkov and Dnipro – who are spending unimaginable nights in bomb shelters and are trying to find refuge in the west of Ukraine and in other countries. We stand with our sisters and brothers and all those in Ukraine under attack during this distressing time and pray for their safety.
But with the crisis worsening with each passing day, we must do more. Masorti Olami, together with our partners at The Schechter Institutes, have been responding to the needs of our communities, providing care packages to children in Kharkiv and organizing transport and accommodation for those fleeing their homes. To date, we have helped over 100 individuals evacuate the country and are working to assist many more.
Produced for Masorti Olami and The Schechter Institutes by the Cantors Assembly, Mivtza Ukraine is a 1-hour video “telethon” of music and hope. (“Mivtza” means “operation” or “campaign.”) We will hear beautiful music from world-class instrumentalists and some of the Masorti/Conservative Movement’s top voices. We will meet refugees–both within Ukraine and those who have fled–-listen to their stories, share prayers and messages of solidarity and inspiration from leaders of the Masorti/Conservative movement from around the world, and learn about the critical work Masorti Olami and Schechter are doing to bring relief to refugees and to lay the groundwork for rebuilding when the conflict has ended. Our goal is to unite all corners of the Masorti/Conservative Jewish world for a single hour with one purpose: to help the people of Ukraine.
All funds raised will go directly to our Ukraine Emergency Campaign.
To watch on Facebook, click here.
To watch on YouTube, click here.
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